Fair Usage Policy
Unlimited Allowances
Our Unlimited bundles are truly unlimited where usage is appropriate to subscription type. Inappropriate usage would be considered as the following:
> Any usage outside normal commercial practice
> Any usage made via automated means (also see Gateway/AIT FUP)
> Any usage that damages or impairs the hosting network
> Any usage considered fraudulent, abusive, illegal or a nuisance
> Data usage where users regularly tether to 12 or more devices or have used 650GB of data twice within a 6 month period
> Data usage where roaming outside of the UK and exceeding more than 25GB within a single billing period
We may investigate usage in order to ascertain whether your unlimited usage is in line with these guidelines. In the event inappropriate usage is determined then we reserve the right to restrict services, adjust the plan or terminate the agreement based on the severity of the misuse.
Gateways / Artificially Inflated Traffic (AIT)
ONECALL does not allow SIMs to be used in any equipment which enables the routing of calls or data (including, without limitation, text or picture messages) from fixed apparatus or standard devices to mobile equipment, by establishing a mobile to mobile call or transmission. Nor does it allow the use of any equipment which enables the sending of bulk SMS, voice or data service. ONECALL reserves the right to suspend without notice should we believe that such equipment is being used. During suspension, the liability for any access charges or calls will rest with the customer.
In line with Roam Like At Home legislation, we have introduced a Fair Usage Policy to ensure end user allowances are being used for purpose whilst roaming.
Policy Terms
Inclusive roaming services on our mobile tariffs have been built for business users who travel periodically, and not those who roam across foreign networks on a semi-permanent or permanent basis.
If a customer uses their mobile in destinations outside the UK that qualify for inclusive access to standard bundles (this includes those countries that qualify for daily roaming services such as World Travel Select and/or legislation such as Roam Like At Home), and they have spent more time abroad than at home with their roaming use exceeding their domestic use, we will consider them a permanent roamer and charges will apply in line with our standard roaming out of bundle costs. Please be aware that roaming activity will continue to be measured over a four-month period.
Please note, ONECALL reserve the right to disconnect subscriptions and apply a standard £30.00 Cease Fee per subscription, in instances where terminations occur due to breach of listed policies
Pro Rata Billing
Mobile subscriptions are paid for in advance and invoices are based on a set monthly bill date – usually 1st of every month. On a connection’s first invoice, or first invoice after a tariff change, there will often be some pro rata billing.
Example – First invoice since connection
This is when the additional line rental cost that hadn’t been charged in advance is added to the first full month’s line rental cost. For example, if your monthly line rental is £20.00pcm and your subscription is connection on the 15th of the month, you will receive a bill on the 1st of the following month covering all of that month, plus the unpaid 15 days line rental from the previous month, making that bill total £30.00.
Subject to Change
Our tariffs are subject to change. We will ensure at least 30 days’ notice is given before any changes take effect.
All same network migrations will be charged £50.00 per connection.